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The Power of Branding in Hiring

Episode Title: The Power of Branding in Hiring: 3 Tips to Attract Top Talent 


In this episode of The Hiring Edge, Jen Goeser delves into the often overlooked yet crucial role that company branding plays in the hiring process. A strong and authentic brand not only attracts top talent but also ensures that your new hires are aligned with your company’s mission and values from day one. Whether you’re a small business owner or a growing company, Jen shares three actionable tips to help you improve your branding and stand out to the right candidates.

Key Takeaways:

Get on LinkedIn and Set Up Your Personal and Business Page: Jen discusses the importance of having a professional presence on LinkedIn and offers advice on setting up both personal and business pages that effectively communicate your company’s mission and values. Display Employee Culture on Your Feed: Learn how to authentically showcase your company’s culture through social media. Jen shares strategies for posting content that gives potential hires a real look at what it’s like to work at your company. Display

Employee Testimonials: Jen emphasizes the power of employee testimonials in the hiring process. She offers tips on gathering and sharing testimonials that resonate with potential candidates and reinforce your company’s brand. Why This Episode is Important: Your company’s brand is more than just a logo or tagline—it’s the heartbeat of your organization. In this episode, Jen highlights why a strong brand is essential to attracting and retaining top talent and how you can start enhancing your brand today.

Resources Mentioned:


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Next Week? Stay tuned for our next episode, where I will share how I grew my LinkedIn following to over 20K organically!